Let's face it, eating healthy can be a bit challenging at first if your taste buds are accustomed to the standard American diet. Every day, at least 3 times a day, you will be faced with making a decision about what you are going to put into your mouth and body. In one month alone, that's at least 90 decisions.
I know that every day when I wake up, it is still a decision to make and eat a green smoothie for breakfast. Oftentimes, a little part of me just wants to grab a bowl of cereal, which doesn't have nearly the nutritional sustenance of my green smoothie. Once in a while, that lazy part of me wins out, but 90% of the time, I grab the spinach, celery, parsley, grapes, flax seed, etc. and start filling up my blender.
How did I make the switch in my brain from choosing easier, less healthy food to making better, more nutritious food more than 90% of the time?
It's pretty simple. Over the course of about a year, I read and watched everything I could get my hands on that related to a plant based diet. And I keep reading and watching to this day.
It started with reading Dr. Fuhrman's Eat to Live and Dr. Esselstyn's Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and it has no end in sight. Movies like FORKS over KNIVES and Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead. Television shows like the BBC's You Are What You Eat and our own The Biggest Loser provided me with incredible inspiration to change my life. Blogs like Happy Healthy Long Life and Fat Free Vegan are still a part of my everyday life. Participation in plant-strong challenges at Whole Foods and memberships in Dr. Fuhrman's Member Center continue to enrich my life.
What's my point?
I know that every day when I wake up, it is still a decision to make and eat a green smoothie for breakfast. Oftentimes, a little part of me just wants to grab a bowl of cereal, which doesn't have nearly the nutritional sustenance of my green smoothie. Once in a while, that lazy part of me wins out, but 90% of the time, I grab the spinach, celery, parsley, grapes, flax seed, etc. and start filling up my blender.
How did I make the switch in my brain from choosing easier, less healthy food to making better, more nutritious food more than 90% of the time?
It's pretty simple. Over the course of about a year, I read and watched everything I could get my hands on that related to a plant based diet. And I keep reading and watching to this day.
It started with reading Dr. Fuhrman's Eat to Live and Dr. Esselstyn's Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and it has no end in sight. Movies like FORKS over KNIVES and Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead. Television shows like the BBC's You Are What You Eat and our own The Biggest Loser provided me with incredible inspiration to change my life. Blogs like Happy Healthy Long Life and Fat Free Vegan are still a part of my everyday life. Participation in plant-strong challenges at Whole Foods and memberships in Dr. Fuhrman's Member Center continue to enrich my life.
What's my point?

You've got to become an inspired, educated plant-strong person if you want this to work for you. Period. It's your life and your responsibility. No one is going to make this happen for you. Simply reading one book on the subject is not enough. Every book I have read contributed to my deeper and deeper understanding of the subject. And as I became more and more knowledgeable about how food affected my health and my mind, it made it easier and easier to make better choices every day, three times a day. And it will for you too. Give it a chance.
I encourage you to get educated and inspired. Check out Healthy Girl's Kitchen's new Amazon store for a complete listing of all of the great resources that have inspired me. All of the proceeds from sales at my store go to support Healthy Girl's Kitchen.
Do you agree or disagree with this tip? Why?
If you have found inspiration to become plant-strong, where did it come from?
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