Did you hear that on the new Oprah Winfrey television network there is going to be a show about food addiction?
Thanks to my friend Lisa M, I'm now anxiously awaiting the premier of Addicted to Food. Why? Well, because personally, I'm an emotional eater. I would hardly have qualified to be a subject on this show, even in my heyday, but I am certainly one of the zillions of emotional eaters out there. I would even venture to say that anyone who struggles with excess weight is addicted to food to some degree.
My disorder never got to the darkest place it could have gone, and I'm very grateful for that. I'd qualify more as an abuser than an addict. What I have found is that learning everything I can about why I emotionally eat and what I can do to combat it has been an effective healing method for me. Working with the people at http://www.peertrainer.com/ was key to my success. It was there that I found answers to why I was using food in this way, both from the emotional perspective and the physical/nutritional perspective (it was there that I was introduced to Dr. Fuhrman's Nutritarianism).
Watching television shows like The Biggest Loser and You Are What You Eat (a British TV show on BBC America) taught me so much, about food, exercise and how to fight this addiction. I hope that if what I am saying here resonates with you, you get a chance to watch Addicted to Food.
Have you been helped in your recovery by watching any television on the subject? If so, what show was it and why did it resonate with you?
Are you going to TiVo or DVR Oprah's Addicted to Food?
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Addicted to Food Premiers on OWN on April 5th
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