The theme of my life this week seems to be awareness. First, I was asked to write a guest blog posting for a friend's spirituality blog, which I did, and chose the topic of awareness. Next, my sister-in-law (thanks Caroline!) sent me a link to a beautiful article on awareness and food choices from It's a short article, you can read it here if you'd like.
We've never talked about spirituality here. Politics and Religion are not something I'm comfortable blogging about. Way too controversial.
But what if "spirituality" is a key component in achieving and maintaining a healthy weight? And what type of spirituality am I talking about? A sense of faith that there is something other than yourself that is going on? The thought that you are not in control of the universe? A connection to a community outside of your immediately family?
In AA there is a popular expression "Let Go and Let God." Taking a deep breath and letting go of the junk that is going on in your life is certainly a powerful tool against emotional eating. But you need a certain amount of awareness even to be able to get yourself to a place where you can take that breath. Me? I'm always wanting to increase my awareness, take more of those deep breaths and eat less emotionally. And I'll embrace whatever tools are at my disposal!
What do you think?
Is there a connection for you with food choices and spirituality?
Or does this conversation make you uncomfortable and want to run for the hills?
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Making Food Choices from a Place of Love and Awareness
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